Monday, August 15, 2011

Day One Sixty

Sailor vs. Squeeze Peaches

Peaches: 1        Sailor: 0

From one of our (many) attempts at driving to New Hampshire. It seems that when a friend teaches you to replace your fuel filters every thousand miles, this does not mean that they last forever. Or:

Me: how often do i replace these things?
Friend: about every thousand miles.
My head: a thousand miles! that's like from here to... forever!
My mouth: ok, sweet. i'll do that.

About 1300 miles from that conversation began our first trip across Pennsylvania and up to northern New Hampshire.  So, one fuel-starved vehicle later, with a GPS leading us into ever-increasing nowhere-ness, we decided to turn around.  I really don't do well with unmet expectations, though. Once I get excited about something, which, admittedly, does happen quite often, I have to see it through to completion.

Or at least obsess about it for a while.

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